End to end showcase(Hive)
docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d -p 5432:5432 postgres:12.0-alpine
create schema if not exists sales;
create table if not exists sales.order
order_sn varchar(128),
product_code varchar(128),
product_name varchar(128),
product_version varchar(128),
product_status varchar(128),
user_code varchar(128),
user_name varchar(128),
user_age int,
user_address varchar(128),
product_count int,
price decimal(10, 4),
discount decimal(10, 4),
order_status varchar(128),
order_create_time timestamp,
order_update_time timestamp
create table if not exists sales.user
user_code varchar(128),
user_name varchar(128),
user_age int,
user_address varchar(128),
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp
create table if not exists sales.product
mid varchar(128),
name varchar(128),
version varchar(128),
status varchar(128),
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp
hive ods:
create database if not exists ods;
create table if not exists ods.t_order
order_sn string,
product_code string,
product_name string,
product_version string,
product_status string,
user_code string,
user_name string,
user_age int,
user_address string,
product_count int,
price decimal(10, 4),
discount decimal(10, 4),
order_status string,
order_create_time timestamp,
order_update_time timestamp,
job_id string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
create table if not exists ods.t_user
user_code string,
user_name string,
user_age int,
user_address string,
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp,
job_id string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
create table if not exists ods.t_product
product_code string,
product_name string,
product_version string,
product_status string,
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp,
job_id string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
hive dwd:
create database if not exists dwd;
create database if not exists dim;
create table dwd.t_fact_order
order_id string,
order_sn string,
product_id string,
user_id string,
product_count int,
price decimal(10, 4),
discount decimal(10, 4),
order_status string,
order_create_time timestamp,
order_update_time timestamp,
actual decimal(10, 4),
job_id string,
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp,
is_latest string,
is_active string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
create table if not exists dim.t_dim_product
product_id string,
mid string,
name string,
version string,
status string,
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp,
job_id string,
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp,
is_latest string,
is_active string,
is_auto_created string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
create table if not exists dim.t_dim_user
dim_user_id string,
user_info_code string,
user_name string,
user_age int,
user_address string,
create_time timestamp,
update_time timestamp,
job_id string,
start_time timestamp,
end_time timestamp,
is_latest string,
is_active string,
is_auto_created string
) partitioned by (`year` string, `month` string, `day` string);
hive report:
-- ==report层 华为mate40-v2真实的销量表
create database if not exists report;
create table if not exists report.t_fact_order_report_actual(
order_sn varchar(128),
product_id varchar(128),
product_code varchar(128),
product_name varchar(128),
product_version varchar(128),
product_status varchar(128),
price decimal(10,4),
discount decimal(10,4),
order_status varchar(128),
order_create_time timestamp,
order_update_time timestamp,
actual decimal(10,4)
-- ==report层 华为mate40-v2算上v1的销量
create table if not exists report.t_fact_order_report_latest(
order_sn varchar(128),
product_id varchar(128),
product_code varchar(128),
product_name varchar(128),
product_version varchar(128),
product_status varchar(128),
price decimal(10,4),
discount decimal(10,4),
order_status varchar(128),
order_create_time timestamp,
order_update_time timestamp,
actual decimal(10,4)
- 准备数据
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
truncate table dwd.t_fact_order;
insert into dwd.t_fact_order partition (`year` = '2022', `month` = '04', `day` = '04') (order_id, order_sn, product_id,
user_id, product_count, price,
discount, order_status,
order_update_time, actual,
start_time, end_time, is_active,
values ('aaa', 'AAA', '3abd0495-9abe-44a0-b95b-0e42aeadc807', '06347be1-f752-4228-8480-4528a2166e14', 12, 20, 0.3, 1,
'2022-04-04 10:00:00', '2022-04-04 10:00:00', 19.7, '2022-04-04 10:00:00', null, '1', '1', 1),
('bbb', 'BBB', '3abd0495-9abe-44a0-b95b-0e42aeadc807', '06347be1-f752-4228-8480-4528a2166e14', 12, 10, 0.3, 2,
'2022-04-04 11:00:00', '2022-04-04 11:00:00', 9.7, '2022-04-04 11:00:00', null, '1', '1', 1),
('ccc', 'CCC', '3abd0495-9abe-44a0-b95b-0e42aeadc807', '06347be1-f752-4228-8480-4528a2166e14', 12, 30, 0.3, 1,
'2022-04-04 12:00:00', '2022-04-04 12:00:00', 29.7, '2022-04-04 12:00:00', null, '1', '1', 1);
truncate table dim.t_dim_user;
insert into dim.t_dim_user partition (year = '2022', month = '04', day = '04') (dim_user_id, user_info_code, user_name,
user_age, user_address, create_time,
start_time, end_time, is_active,
is_latest, is_auto_created)
values ('06347be1-f752-4228-8480-4528a2166e14', 'u1', '张三', 12, '胜利街道', '2020-01-01 10:00:00', '2020-01-01 10:00:00',
'2020-01-01 10:00:00', null, '1', '1', '0');
truncate table dim.t_dim_product;
insert into dim.t_dim_product partition (year = '2022', month = '04', day = '04') (product_id, mid, name, version,
status, create_time, update_time,
start_time, end_time,
is_latest, is_auto_created)
values ('3abd0495-9abe-44a0-b95b-0e42aeadc807', 'p1', '华为', 'mate40', '上架', '2022-01-01 10:00:00',
'2022-01-01 10:00:00', '2022-01-01 10:00:00', '2022-04-04 13:00:00', '0', '0', '0')
, ('a9cd4e31-9268-4ee9-94b4-18c5e839a937', 'p1', '华为', 'mate40-v2', '上架', '2022-01-01 10:00:00',
'2022-04-04 13:00:00', '2022-04-04 13:00:00', null, '1', '1', '0');
truncate table sales.order;
insert into sales.order (order_sn, product_code, product_name, product_version, product_status,
user_code, user_name, user_age, user_address, product_count, price, discount, order_status,
order_create_time, order_update_time)
values ('AAA', 'p1', '华为', 'mate40', '上架', 'u1', '张三', 12, '胜利街道', 12, 20, 0.3, 2, '2022-04-04 10:00:00',
'2022-04-08 10:00:00') -- 正常更新
, ('DDD', 'p1', '华为', 'mate40-v2', '上架', 'u2', '李四', 32, '迎宾街道', 15, 200, 0.4, 2, '2022-04-08 09:00:00',
'2022-04-08 10:00:00'); -- 新增
下载已经编辑好的 excel模板 到
./gradlew :spark:run --args="generate-ods-sql -f ~/Desktop/ods.xlsx --output ~/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks"
- 你看到如下日志表示任务脚本已经生成好了
2022/08/02 17:23:51 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/ods__t_order.sql
2022/08/02 17:23:51 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/ods__t_user.sql
2022/08/02 17:23:51 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/ods__t_product.sql
- 准备连接信息
- 通过脚本启动任务
./gradlew :spark:run --args="batch-job --names=ods__t_order --period=1440 --default-start-time='2022-04-08 00:00:00' --once"
Total jobs: 1, success: 1, failed: 0, skipped: 0
job name: ods__t_order SUCCESS x 1
./gradlew :spark:run --args="generate-dwd-sql -f ~/Desktop/dwd.xlsx --output ~/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks"
- 你看到如下日志表示任务脚本已经生成好了
2022/08/03 09:02:26 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/t_order_t_fact_order.sql
2022/08/03 09:02:26 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/t_user_t_dim_user.sql
2022/08/03 09:02:26 INFO [ETLLogger] - Write sql file to /Users/izhangzhihao/Downloads/SharpETL/spark/src/main/resources/tasks/t_product_t_dim_product.sql
- 通过脚本启动任务
./gradlew :spark:run --args="batch-job --names=t_order_t_fact_order --period=1440 --default-start-time='2022-04-08 00:00:00' --once"
Total jobs: 1, success: 1, failed: 0, skipped: 0
job name: t_order_t_fact_order SUCCESS x 1
- 手动创建两个step,分别代表两个report的需求, 华为mate40-v2真实的销量表,并将其放在
-- workflow=report__t_fact_order_report_actual
-- period=1440
-- loadType=incremental
-- logDrivenType=timewindow
-- step=1
-- source=hive
-- dbName=dwd
-- tableName=t_fact_order
-- target=hive
-- dbName=report
-- tableName=t_fact_order_report_actual
-- writeMode=overwrite
select fact.order_sn as order_sn,
dim.product_id as product_id,
dim.mid as product_code,
dim.name as product_name,
dim.version as product_version,
dim.status as product_status,
fact.price as price,
fact.discount as discount,
fact.order_status as order_status,
fact.order_create_time as order_create_time,
fact.order_update_time as order_update_time,
fact.actual as actual
from dwd.t_fact_order fact
inner join dim.t_dim_product dim
on fact.product_id = dim.product_id
and fact.is_latest = '1';
- 手动创建两个step,分别代表两个report的需求, 华为mate40-v2算上v1的销量,并将其放在
-- workflow=report__t_fact_order_report_latest
-- period=1440
-- loadType=incremental
-- logDrivenType=timewindow
-- step=1
-- source=hive
-- dbName=dwd
-- tableName=t_fact_order
-- target=hive
-- dbName=report
-- tableName=t_fact_order_report_latest
-- writeMode=overwrite
select fact.order_sn as order_sn,
dim2.product_id as product_id,
dim2.mid as product_code,
dim2.name as product_name,
dim2.version as product_version,
dim2.status as product_status,
fact.price as price,
fact.discount as discount,
fact.order_status as order_status,
fact.order_create_time as order_create_time,
fact.order_update_time as order_update_time,
fact.actual as actual
from dwd.t_fact_order fact
inner join dim.t_dim_product dim on fact.product_id = dim.product_id and fact.is_latest = '1'
inner join (select * from dim.t_dim_product dim_latest where is_latest = '1') dim2
on dim.mid = dim2.mid and fact.is_latest = '1';
- 通过脚本启动任务
./gradlew :spark:run --args="batch-job --names=order_report_actual_hive,order_report_latest_hive --period=1440 --default-start-time='2022-04-08 00:00:00' --once"